Cleansing is a concept that gets thrown around often in today’s world. Cleansing, purging, eliminating…but cleansing has a long and rich history within magical practices. Read on for why cleansing is so vital and the most basic, well known ways to do it!
Why Cleanse?
You probably wouldn’t argue if someone told you that house cleaning was as vital as personal hygiene. But what if we made the same argument for magical cleanliness?
Keeping up with the cleanliness of our magical tools and our energetic space can go neglected, but it’s just as important. When we cleanse our tools before and after each use, we remove past intentions, helping to keep our current workings focused and purposeful.
When we cleanse the spaces we inhabit, we remove past energies in a similar way, staying intentional and in the present.
You wouldn’t want dust to build up on your pots and pans, and then expect to cook with them, right? Don’t do the same for your spiritual and magical practices.
Types of Cleansing
Smoke cleanses (also known as smudging) are probably fairly familiar to most people, whether they practice witchcraft or not. Sage bundles have become a common pop culture item (leading to the over-harvesting of the herb), and can even be found at dollar stores and big box chain stores.
That being said, the burning of white sage (the kind most commonly used in cheap smoke bundles) is an Indigenous practice that is closed to others. The popular term ‘smudging’ is also cultural appropriation.
Additionally, white sage is meant to usher in Native American spirits, so not what you usually want in your typical smoke cleanse anyways.
If you’re looking for a different herb to smoke cleanse with, consider mugwort, lavender, rosemary, cedar, or bay. These are all good options with their own separate associations, which may align with your intention even better!
If you’re a crystal person (or even if you’re not) you probably know this one.
Selenite is a clear or white colored crystal that is extremely well known. You can find it carved into any shape imaginable, from bowls to wands to knives to plates to its naturally occurring rods.
It cleanses energies and cuts parasitic connections. I use a selenite bowl to store my crystals in after I’m done using them in a ritual.
You could do the same for any of your tools, or even your personal items like keys or jewelry.
Both moonlight and sunlight work well for cleansing. Throw open a window to the sun to cleanse your space easily or line up your crystals and empty spell bottles in the moonlight to ready them for their next use.
Just make sure that whatever you’re leaving out won’t be damaged by prolonged exposure to the sun. Usually about 2 hours is plenty.
This one might seem self explanatory. That being said, if you’re looking to cleanse your water safe tools, try running them under cold flowing water.
You can add a little prayer or incantation over them if that makes it feel fancier, but for a lot of things it’s as simple as turning on the faucet.
In a similar vein, if you’re feeling like you need an energetic cleanse, a simple ritual shower will do you some good too.
Energetic or Intentional
If you’re a believer in the phrase ‘it’s the thought that counts’, if you work in energetics, or if you’re low-energy and pressed for time, try an intention cleanse.
Simply hold the object in your hands (or stand in the area you want to cleanse) and focus your attention on it. Recite something meaningful to you, take in a breath, and then let out the breath, dispelling anything that needs to be cleansed with that exhale.
Simple, right?
Try putting together a salt bowl. Fill a small bowl with the salt of your choice, cleansing herbs and crystals, a slip of paper with your intentions written on it, or whatever calls to you. Then place it wherever you’re looking for some cleansing.
You could even use it to store your coin purse, keys or trinkets if the salt won’t harm them.
Hopefully you’ve gained a few new ideas for how to keep up with cleansing in your practice. If you have any methods of cleansing that we’ve missed here, feel free to drop a comment and let us know!